The pattern is loosely based on the twirly skirt here . My mom advised me along the way, so I didn't have to follow the pattern exactly to achieve the same look, but when I try it on my own, I will definitely rely on the pattern. I am happy with the way it turned out. The fabric could probably be heavier; I chose a cotton Batik. It reminds me of a trip to that Martin and I took a few years back. Close up, I really like the design and color variation. Far off it is a little Laura Ingalls-ish. It will be worn though.
This skirt above was longer and had an extra ruffle. It was kind of frumpy and hung in my closet too much. My mom helped me shorten it to knee length. Because we cut off the bottom ruffle the new bottom has a little flare to it. Very cute. I know this will be worn a lot this summer also. Love skirts!!
I received this is the mail yesterday. No clothes, which was a little disappointing, but I am sure I will enjoy it all the same. I am off to the couch to browse through it now. I am sure I will fall in love with something or three. Oh, and for dinner tonight? Pork tostadas. Yum, yum. The pork is crocking in the cooker now. I got the idea here and knew it would be up our alley. They sound pretty tasty. Fresh guac. is made and waiting also. Can you tell I am looking forward to dinner?
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