Monday, January 22, 2007

My Turn

The stomach-bug paid me a visit on Saturday evening. Thankfully I was able to get the girls down for the night before I fell ill, but I knew it was coming. Awful, awful feeling. Sunday morning was much better aside from the lack of energy. The girls had tons of energy and did not understand why I kept asking them to get off the sofa (aka - off of me). It was my personal all time low in parenting. I had no patience, no energy, they received really crappy meals all day, and they didn't get outside at all. The rest of the week has to get better. Right?


Anonymous said...

Oh, you poor baby! Hope you're feeling better and wish I could bring the girls to my house to play while you recover!

Anonymous said...

Are you okay? It's been way too long since you've posted anything...

Java Mama said...

Hi Joanne -
Thanks for checking in. I am great, just trying to keep up with daily stuff. I don't know what it is hard some days, and easy others. I am a pretty organized, efficent person. I would hate to think how crazy things could get if I weren't.