Thursday, March 1, 2007

Fat lip

We started the day at the gym and then headed to the mommy/child exercise class. The girls really enjoy the singing and playing, and they have a tendency to get pretty hyper. Today was no different only Erika's legs started going a little faster than the rest of her body and she took a hard face-plant right into the disgusting, gameroom-style, spin room carpet. Blood was gushing and her lip swelled immediately. Thankfully Martin attended today's class so he could focus on Ainslee while I took care of Erika. She bounced back quickly and rejoined the group in no time. Afterwards as we sat around the table in the little cafe eating our packed lunch. I felt so bad seeing her gobble down her sandwich with her fat little lip. Boy, they take some hard knocks, but they are tough little girls.
We live in Orlando, FL which for lots of little kids and families means MICKEY MOUSE. We have not been to the Magic Kingdom once since we moved here three years ago, but tomorrow is the day. I, along with nine other moms/ children, am taking the girls to see the magical place. It will be a long, exhilarating, exhausting day. I hope to get lots of great photos, and I hope the girls remember some little something from their trip to "Mickey Mouse's House" as they keep saying over and over. For now I am off to try another flower.

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